Will and I were very comfortable in our new home in Tulsa. Titus was now four years old and Levi was almost one. We had been in our home for almost two full months when I started feeling sick a lot. I was tired, and every morning I was throwing up. I had gone to the doctor and was told I had a Hernia that was in bad condition. We were in the process of getting all the new insurance straightened out so I just took the doctor they suggested for me. I started gaining a lot of weight about June and my breast were hurting like crazy. I went back to the doctor and was told I must have some kind of virus. All the doctors new my medical history and the fact that their was no chance of getting pregnant. It never crossed any ones mind. We did all kinds of test trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Secretly unknown to Will I had been praying that God would bless our life with more children. I had been praying this same prayer for 12 years now. Have you ever heard people say all things happen in Gods time not ours? Well I am here to tell you that is exactly right.
Fall rolled around and I was wearing big clothing. I had gained a lot of weight on top of already being a heavy lady. I was teaching at the Preschool and trying to help Will with our new Ministry. I was very busy because I also had two small children to take care of. One Sunday morning while getting the boys ready for church, I fell down the stairs while holding Levi. Levi was a chubby little guy and was very heavy. I messed up my back and neck pretty bad so I went to the chiropractor to get fixed. They did xrays of my spine and neck. I was adjusted and I remember when I layed on the bed it hurt my stomach. I suffered that pain to relieve another and moved on. Early November I had a Bunko night with some friends. I was not feeling well at all. My body was swollen a lot. I had called the doctor to get in but they had no openings unless it was an emergency. I was going to live so I did not push the matter. I remember asking God to heal me of whatever this was making me so ill. I was tired, sick and just needed some rest. If you know me at all you know that sitting still and not working is not something I can do. I went to Bunko that night and on the way I stopped at a drugstore to see if they had something for water retention. The Pharmacist said mam you look Preclamsic. What in the world does that mean? He suggested I take a pregnancy test before taking in medication. I giggled and said that's impossible. I bought the test just for kicks and went on the Bunko. When I got there the girls were really worried about me. I looked like Shreks wife. My nose had swollen across my face, my skin was so full of fluid it looked like it would burst, I could only wear flip flops because my shoes did not fit and I had these huge white circles under my eyes. I told them what the pharmacist had said and they made me pee on the stick while I was there. Everyone was just sure I was pregnant. Having type II Diabetes sometimes you get false readings on the pee sticks, so I'm told. The first test did not work at all so the girls told me to save it and look at it in the morning. All night this elation of joy filled my spirit to just imagine being pregnant. When you have been through all we have those moments of maybes are all you got. The next morning I checked the test and it was positive. Holy Buckets! I am pregnant! I grabbed the other test and took it right away it was also positive. Silence
Lord I have prayed for this all my life it seems. If I am pregnant please protect this child and let me get the help I need.........
I ran to the bedroom and jumped on Will, honey we may be pregnant for real this time. WHAT! We called the doctor and asked if this was Emergency enough and we got in for an appointment in three days. It was Thanksgiving so we waited through the weekend. I was so stunned but still not convinced. If you have ever experienced Infertility and are given that hope only to have it taken away again and again its hard to believe. To be a woman and long for motherhood, to see others around you joyfully having families and to see people who don't want children having them, it changes who you are and how you think. The pain your heart feels when you loose a baby, the pain you feel when nothing you do works. Words just cant express!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanksgiving came and went. It was November 29th, 2006 when we woke up got the boys ready for Preschool and were off to see the doctor. The day was normal just like any other except that I had a very bad headache that morning. This was such a pain like I had never felt and on top of that I was throwing up a lot that morning. We dropped the boys off at school. We got to the doctors office and I went in. Will waited outside for them to call him back. We went in the room and they weighed me, took my temp and then my blood pressure, I also took the pregnancy test. The doctor looked sick and said "Mrs. Spoon are you feeling well?" In my mind I really wanted to slap this fellow and say do I look like I feel well? No, I am sick, my head hurts, I cant breathe, my nose looks like it is touching both my earlobes, my eyes have crop circles around them and you want to know if I am feeling well? I answered no sir and explained I have been very ill and I took a pregnancy test that said yes. He told me to lay down that they were calling an ambulance to come and get me. WHAT! Your blood pressure is dangerous and the test you took shows that you are pregnant. Holy Crap! I lost my Christianity for a moment. I am pregnant? Yes, but we don't know how far along you are so the ambulance is taking you to the hospital right now. Your blood pressure is so high you could have a stroke. I need Will right now he is in the waiting room. Will came in and the doctor said Mr. Spoon your wife is in critical condition and she is pregnant. Will nearly hit the floor. Are you sure he said? Yes she is going to the hospital right now. Little did we all know but outside one of Tulsa's biggest Ice Storms ever had just begun. The ambulance did not come so Will said I will take her. We ran to the car and the ice was coming down hard. All the way we both never spoke but prayed and cried as we got in our car and tried to understand what was going on. It seemed like hours to cross that street to St. Francis Hospital. Will was on his cell phone and I just sat there stunned and elated all at once. I AM HAVING A BABY! Thank you father. Thank you so much. Please keep us safe.
We got to the Emergency room and the doctor had already called. I walked in got in a wheelchair and the nurse ran with me to the elevator. Will was parking the car and barely caught us on the way up. I was undressed, drugged and in a bed in about 7 minutes. Poor, Will he was trying to get our parents and get someone to take care of the boys. Its funny but even in our biggest moment of need all we could do was think about taking care of everyone else. The next doctor came in and examined me. She said you are 29 weeks pregnant and this baby is going to be born tomorrow if all goes well. WHAT! Mrs. Spoon you are very ill and we have to save you and the baby and this is the only way. You save this baby at any cost I said. I prayed my whole life for this child and I know God has great plans in store. Our church family at Park Plaza, in Ft. Worth, in Sterling City, in Missouri, in Oklahoma and many more I did not name interlaced our family with such a powerful ring of prayer I never even worried for a moment. A complete sense of Peace and Love filled every person, and thing around us. The doctor pulled Will aside and told him that there may come a time when he will have to choose me or the baby. Will assured him that this would never happen because our God was now in full control and everything would be as it should.

That was the longest night of my life. I was in and out of both prayer and sleep. I just wanted to worship the Lord and thank him for this miracle. Morning came and it all began so fast. Getting my spinal shot was tough because I was so swollen that he could not get the niddle to go where he needed it to go. I was prepared for the C section and lay there wandering if I was having a boy or a girl. I did not really care which I could hardly wait to meet this new little life. Will sat by me the whole time, nervously wanting to fix or do mostly I think he just wanted to bake something to make him self feel better. There was no pain but a lot of pressure. Then the moment I had waited for all my life. Sweet baby girl was pulled out and they showed her to me. I was so thrilled. They rushed her off and I begged Will to go and be with her so she would not be alone. He went reluctantly because he was worried about me. She was here, I was here and life was so grand. Seeing your child for the first time is not something words can explain. I felt the same way when I saw Titus and Levi and now my sweet Emma. 3 lbs. 2 oz and 21 weeks old. How can you not believe in a miracle.