I make mistakes all the time and I don't think it is wrong to say you were wrong. Parents get off track. It is OK to share with your children when you say or do somethings that does not model God. I feel like as a parent it is not our primary goal to raise children who fill up the book shelf with trophies, awards and certificates. When we model the behavior that sports rule supreme what are we teaching our children? Even though we say with our words that Gods most important. What have our children learned? Every thing in life is a learning experience and molds our child for a future as an adult. I want my children to choose church on Sunday and Wednesdays because they love to go, and right now they do. Now that is something that makes me so proud of all of them.
The most important thing I try to teach my sweet babies is to pray. We don't just pray at night or at meals. We pray all the time, no matter where we are or what we are doing. Praying together as a family is so important. A study was done by a man named Ed Stetzer who works for Christianity Today and he gave some statistics on praying children and their praying families. Spiritual Children have good grades. Praying children are connected with a pastor, youth pastor or children's pastor. Praying children regularly serve in a church. Praying children know, own and make known their faith. Spiritual children participate in ministry and service projects as a family. Praying children make room, make time and make space for others to participate in ministry together. I find all of those things as character traits and choices I want for my children. We pray when we see a wreck. We pray when we hear a fire truck. We pray when friend and family are sick. We pray when someone is having a bad day. We pray when our friends are ugly to us or use ugly words. We pray for Daddy and his ministry. We pray for the neighbors dog. I don't ever question the prayer of a child or change it in any way. They know exactly what they mean and so does the Lord. If you have ever noticed a child prays mostly a prayer of Thanksgiving.
Parents we cannot pass on what we do not have or do ourselves. We cannot outsource our relationship with Christ. The word of God is not sin management. We simply cannot lead what we do not live. If our children are proud of us for what we do they will intern make us proud of them for what they do.
Every night I pray over my children and I ask the Lord to put a shield of protection around them. I pray that he shield them from any and all evil. I pray for their health, for their life choices and for their spiritual growth. I pray for each of my children by name and ask that they have a servants heart full of compassion and love for all human kind. I pray for the Lords favor on them and thank him for each special miracle of life that he has Allowed me to have. Lastly I pray that somewhere in this world he is preparing for them a mate that will help them each get to heaven. I feel like married couples should be helping each other get to heaven. Lastly I ask that no matter what life holds in store for us that they each will know how much I love them and long to see them in Heaven one day.
Two steps forward and on step back is still progress. What steps are you taking?
Thanks, Kendra! I often forget that just stating that Christ is our focus is not enough, that we have to live that way all the time! Love you sister! I love the pic of Ems and Aus too!