I love as an adult having all my friends at church. At Park Plaza I have made some very good friends and along life's journey I have made many good friends from other churches. I love that wherever Will and I go we often see people we know. It is a blessing to us and I hope to them as well. In Texas we had a group of friends that we did everything with. Birthdays were the best. The birthday boy or girl would pick a restaurant and we would all meet for dinner. Getting together to eat was our favorite past time. One of the couples worked for Benny Keith and we would get together at their home for "Fried Food Night". Our children all loved playing together. We spent Holidays with church friends many times when we could not travel to see our own families. Will and I were always made to feel a part. I am so thankful for those times and the memories that we share. Since we have been in Tulsa our friends here have always been there to help with anything we needed. When I had Emma the sweet ladies from church and their husbands came to our home and remodeled the guest room into a beautiful nursery. We get sweet cards in the mail all the time. The out pouring of love is just wonderful and I am so glad that my children have been able to see what Christian friends do for each other.
When Will and I first married we decided then that we would never look at ministry as job but rather a lifestyle. We have been so blessed by that choice and we hope to instill that in our children as well. The good far out weighs the bad. Don't get me wrong we have been caught in old satins trap more than once but you and learn. I don't miss the hard times. I don't miss the mean people we have encountered on this journey. I will forever miss the people who we have grown to love just like family. The friends who held us when we cried about our struggle with getting pregnant. The friends who laughed with us about the silly things. The friends who mourned with us in loss and the friends who celebrated with us in new life. Thank God so much for all those blessings.

I am so thankful for all the friends in my life who show Christ love in everything they do and say. Our time here is short and our days are passing. Church friends keep you on track, they provide a safe zone but most of all they are family when family is not close by. Who are your friends? Are they helping you get to Heaven? More important are you helping them?
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