Sunday, November 7, 2010

Prayer in Parenting

I am so proud of my children and the people they are becoming.  Having PK's  you know Preachers kids comes with a lot of yuk.  I tell everyone it is like living in a giant fish bowl.  Every thing we do, say, wear and the choices we make are judged by all.  People say they don't judge but they do, we all do when we have an opinion.  Some people are just a lot nicer about it.  Having said that I try to teach my kids that as long as what they do is pleasing to God all those other people just don't matter.  I see my children stand up for what is right a lot and it makes me so happy.  You know you do that little ye haw when no one is looking. 

I make mistakes all the time and I don't think it is wrong to say you were wrong.  Parents get off track.  It is OK to share with your children when you say or do somethings that does not model God.  I feel like as a parent it is not our primary goal to raise children who fill up the book shelf with trophies, awards and certificates.  When we model the behavior that sports rule supreme what are we teaching our children?  Even though we say with our words that Gods most important.  What have our children learned?  Every thing in life is a learning experience and molds our child for a future as an adult.  I want my children to choose church on Sunday and Wednesdays because they love to go, and right now they do.  Now that is something that makes me so proud of all of them.

The most important thing I try to teach my sweet babies is to pray.  We don't just pray at night or at meals.  We pray all the time, no matter where we are or what we are doing.  Praying together as a family is so important.  A study was done by a man named Ed Stetzer who works for Christianity Today and he gave some statistics on praying children and their praying families.  Spiritual Children have good grades.  Praying children are connected with a pastor, youth pastor or children's pastor.  Praying children regularly serve in a church.  Praying children know, own and make known their faith.  Spiritual children participate in ministry and service projects as a family.  Praying children make room, make time and make space for others to participate in ministry together.  I find all of those things as character traits and choices I want for my children.  We pray when we see a wreck.  We pray when we hear a fire truck.  We pray when friend and family are sick.  We pray when someone is having a bad day.  We pray when our friends are ugly to us or use ugly words.  We pray for Daddy and his ministry.  We pray for the neighbors dog.  I don't ever question the prayer of a child or change it in any way.  They know exactly what they mean and so does the Lord.  If you have ever noticed a child prays mostly a prayer of Thanksgiving.

Parents we cannot pass on what we do not have or do ourselves.  We cannot outsource our relationship with Christ.  The word of God is not sin management.  We simply cannot lead what we do not live.  If our children are proud of us for what we do they will intern make us proud of them for what they do.

Every night I pray over my children and I ask the Lord to put a shield of protection around them.  I pray that he shield them from any and all evil.  I pray for their health, for their life choices and for their spiritual growth.  I pray for each of my children by name and ask that they have a servants heart full of compassion and love for all human kind.  I pray for the Lords favor on them and thank him for each special miracle of life that he has Allowed me to have.  Lastly I pray that somewhere in this world he is preparing for them a mate that will help them each get to heaven.  I feel like married couples should be helping each other get to heaven.  Lastly I ask that no matter what life holds in store for us that they each will know how much I love them and long to see them in Heaven one day.

Two steps forward and on step back is still progress.  What steps are you  taking?

Friday, November 5, 2010

I love my church friends and family

All my life I have had a few friends that I am really close to. There are also those friends that you spend time with, however its not that quality time.  There are some friends you can trust and others you still are unsure about.  Being in ministry and living in my fish bowl often makes any sort of friend hard to make.  I always worn people that I am not a call me every day, lets vacation together kind of friend.  I will do anything for you whenever you need.  I am just not the friend who brings dinner then stays to visit for  hours.  I am not saying anything is wrong with that I am just explaining who I am. 

I love as an adult having all my friends at church.  At Park Plaza I have made some very good friends and along life's journey I have made many good friends from other churches.  I love that wherever Will and I go we often see people we know.  It is a blessing to us and I hope to them as well.  In Texas we had a group of friends that we did everything with.  Birthdays were the best.  The birthday boy or girl would pick a restaurant and we would all meet for dinner.  Getting together to eat was our favorite past time.  One of the couples worked for Benny Keith and we would get together at their home for "Fried Food Night".  Our children all loved playing together.  We spent Holidays with church friends many times when we could not travel to see our own families.  Will and I were always made to feel a part.  I am so thankful for those times and the memories that we share.  Since we have been in Tulsa our friends here have always been there to help with anything we needed.  When I had Emma the sweet ladies from church and their husbands came to our home and remodeled the guest room into a beautiful nursery.  We get sweet cards in the mail all the time.  The out pouring of love is just wonderful and I am so glad that my children have been able to see what Christian friends do for each other.

When Will and I first married we decided then that we would never look at ministry as job but rather a lifestyle.  We have been so blessed by that choice and we hope to instill that in our children as well.  The good far out weighs the bad.  Don't get me wrong we have been caught in old satins trap more than once but you and learn.  I don't miss the hard times.  I don't miss the mean people we have encountered on this journey.  I will forever miss the people who we have grown to love just like family.  The friends who held us when we cried about our struggle with getting pregnant.  The friends who laughed with us about the silly things.  The friends who mourned with us in loss and the friends who celebrated with us in new life.  Thank God so much for all those blessings.

One thing I know for sure is that without friends to help you out life would be impossible.  I pray that all my children have a friend that they can trust with their secrets, share their dreams with and hold on to in times of need.  I also pray that this friend be a Godly person who makes good life choices and is a great example of Christ and the life he wants us to lead.  I pray all the time that every member of my family has a friend just like Christ and that Jesus will always be their best friend no matter what.  That is why we try to teach about having a relationship with Christ in our classes at church.  I have seen so many teenagers who have grown up knowing all the Bible facts, quoting scripture, and pretending to do what was right just so they would stay out of trouble and never being baptized for the right reason but because that's what they were told to do.  I am certain that when we reach the gates of Heaven the Lord want be asking us about the "meat" of the Bible he will be asking us how did you put what the Bible says to work in your life?  What relationship did you have with me and my son that stands out above the rest?  I want my children to have a friend who shares with them and everyone they meet the incredible love and friendship that Christ will provide.

I am so thankful for all the friends in my life who show Christ love in everything they do and say.  Our time here is short and our days are passing.  Church friends keep you on track, they provide a safe zone but most of all they are family when family is not close by.  Who are your friends?  Are they helping you get to Heaven?  More important are you helping them?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Always Say It Like It Is

I have this for better choice of words problem with speaking the truth ALWAYS.  I have done it forever, even as a child I said what was on my mind.  Now that I am an adult my buffer seems to work a little better.  I must say though that some people just need to hear it.  For example:  When I take Titus to school in the morning there is always a line to drop off.  Now every school has its parents who believe with all their heart that this school was built for them and that any rules made do not apply unless it bothers them in some way.  So in the drop off line you have the rule followers and the I know it all's.  Some days I wish the front of my car could shoot out idiot bullets to these parents.  It's November people do you really need to set there and watch your child walk all the way to the door?  Or better yet hop out of your car, straighten their clothing, put on their backpack and kiss them?  Now let me just say that I am  very easy going, however when we are sitting in a line of 100 cars or more and you think your child is the only one on the planet, you  better run back to your seat because girl you are about to be mowed over by some serious stay at home moms who are late for the gym. 

Example:  My biggest pet peeve is when people take advantage of those who are too kind to say anything.  You know the type always playing the martyr.  Oh woe is me!!!  They think up  these excuses for everything and in my mind I am thinking are you for real.  Working in the ministry I have met truck loads of these people.  I am sure that it is in every profession.  The best are the excuses for why I cant teach class.  1.  I don't like the curriculum.    Are you for real.  I mean I know every one has an opinion but really.  Save it, pull your Bible out and show the love.  Or think of something better because the curriculum thing is older than the moon.  2.  I am so busy.  You are only busy with what you choose to be busy with.  3. I am with kids all day I just need some time to myself.  Ok I get this to an ex tint, but what is your excuse for the summer quarter.  4.  Why cant the older generation do it.  Because they already did it when you were kid.   5.  I am not a good teacher.  That is how you learn.  So like so many Martyr gone before us we again take advantage of those always willing to give their time to teach Gods word to our children.  On top of that we sat back and critique what they do and complain when we don't agree.  All along not helping, and not offering assistance to those who do.  If your not willing to sign your name the the written complaint in anything in life maybe you should just keep that complaint to yourself. 

I am sure that those things will get me in trouble.  You know it always seems like saying the truth gets you in trouble so people avoid it and smile.  Sometimes I would like to see what they are really thinking.  Please don't be offended by what I have written.  I am just telling you how I think it is.........................